Expressions of Clinician Well-Being

Expressions of Longevity: Creativity As A Way Of Life

Finding Home Again: Through Our Eyes.

The experience of teens of military families relocating.  Combat isolation. Ease transition.

Patient Voice: The experience of diagnosis, treatment, and the world of medicine through the eyes of young people.

Bringing Stories of Organizations & Communities To Life

For the last 15 years,  Annie has been designing and creating projects for signature organizations that engage and equip people to both ask and answer questions about what matters most to them.  Empowering them to tell these stories in their own images, words, and expressions and use these as a way to have authentic and meaningful conversations.

With a specialty in using Photo Voice and other forms of participatory communication, participants, staff and the viewing public have experienced the power of these tools to discover, create, and live stories of new and engaging futures.  

People, Ideas, and Organizations Brought To Life and Made Visible

Asking Questions: In the realm of issues, ideas, and more personally about peoples’ hopes and dreams
Answers In: Images, words, and a host of other creative expressions
Amplified Through: A host of different media including digital galleries, exhibits, websites, workshops, narrated slide shows, videos, live events,  trainings, and conference presentations to share the stories with the world
Create: On-ramps for participants, staff,  and sponsors through visions and maps to new and engaging futures

© Annie Levy, All Rights Reserved